Thursday, March 30, 2006

Leaving on that midnight train to Georgia

No not quite, more like a morning plane. Tomorrow I will be spending the day at the Southeastern MBA Schools Interview Forum held at Emory University. The plan is to ace at least one of the two interviews I have scheduled, perhaps even make some contacts with a couple of recruiters, see parts of downtown Atlanta before heading back. 


Oftentimes I feel that preparing for an interview is a lot like preparing to be a contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I remember one episode where a contestant was asked a hard question and it just happened that the night before he randomly picked up a brochure in his hotel room that had the information he needed. I feel that for every interview I go into, there is a certain amount of preparation that I can and must do. This includes being able to articulate a reason why I want to work at that company, in that position, and why I am a good fit. The remainder of the interview depends on how I respond to the random topics and questions that I have no way to prepare for. A good example of this was an interview I had where a representative of the firm was talking about its strategy of attracting premium customers and I compared its endeavors to the Visa Signature card that was launched two years ago. He was impressed that I was familiar with the card. The shocking part is I knew about the Visa card not from the hours of interview preparation that I did that week, but from reading about it years ago when it first came out. 


In other news, I had a conversation last night with a college friend of mine, whom I will refer to henceforth as our blog’s Unofficial Boston Correspondent. I mentioned my latest fears about the summer and she said she is completely unconcerned because she knows that I will manage to find something I enjoy doing. If she is wrong, I will get to chalk this up as one of the many things she’s said over the years that she’s been wrong about.

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