Monday, March 13, 2006


When I walked into accounting class this morning, I received a couple of stares from my classmates. For many of them, the stare quickly turned into a smirk. This past Friday I shaved my head and for the first time in my life, I am bald.


I am not sure how long I will keep this. A couple of people have commented that they like the new look. Someone else said I can expect to spend the next two weeks fielding questions on why I decided to shave my head. For those who did not get to see me today, they will have to wait until Wednesday because I have no classes on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I think you should keep the bald look man. Random thought...i was thinking that this blog was missing something...something that it had before but has been absent for awhile...then I remembered what it was -- what happened to cheapambi??? where'd he go??? come back.

Anonymous said...

I like the new look!  KEEP IT!

Anonymous said...

I like the new look too and will probably keep it.

Here's a funny story: I showed up for my morning class today, I was about one min late and the professor had already begun talking. I tried to be as discrete as possible as I walked into the jam packed room, tip toed to the front to pick up the assortment of handouts, all the while not making eye contact with anyone. When I turned around and quickly scanned the room to look for an empty seat, I saw a girl on the third row laughing hysterically.

As for Cheapambi, I too miss his contribution to this blog and look forward to the day he will once again bless us with his unique talents.