Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Previously, on 24"

I have wanted to blog about this for the past month but never got around to it. The current season of 24 has been incredible. From the assassination of a former President to the attack on the Russian President’s motorcade, I have spent most of the 9 o’clock hour on Monday nights glued to the edge of my couch. The last two episodes ended with surprises that had my jaw dropped.


But that chick from last night’s episode, the information broker, Colleen Stenger. Is she incredibly hot or what? I don’t know what’s hotter, her or her red Lexus SC 420.


I noticed something on the show that does not make sense. When David Palmer was President, his assistant was Mike Novic. It was never blatantly stated but heavily implied (ie meetings with unions, and various left wing groups) that Palmer was a Democrat. In the next election, Palmer ran against John Keeler. Keeler therefore must be a Republican. Palmer withdrew from the race and Keeler was elected. When Air Force One was shot down over the deserts, Keeler died and Charles Logan assumed the presidency. Since Logan is a Republican, why is Mike Novic, a Democrat, his chief of staff?

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