Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The road ahead

One of the things I have learned this year about trusting God is that sometimes He will purposely keep you from getting something you want because He has something better in mind for you. It’s a way of saving you from yourself.


I am hoping that this may be why I have yet to find an internship. I had a really good interview in February with a company I very much wanted to work for and two days later received the call that I would not be receiving an offer. Three weeks ago today I had a second round interview with a company in Orlando. I am not as excited about this company. Rather, I am more excited about the possibility of locking in on a summer internship and not having to look further. In the three weeks since the interview, I have yet to receive a decision. I called human resources today and was told they are still in the process of deciding. 


About two hours later I received an email from a company which I sent my resume to over the internet last week. It came from a recruiter asking to schedule a phone interview. I am not going to hint at the identity of this company, but this is a company I very, very much want to work for. It is not as big of a name in finance as the company I interviewed with in February. But for someone with experience in the technology field, getting a finance position in this company makes a lot of sense. It would be tremendous to have this company’s name on my resume next year … going from the telecom firm I worked for out of college, to America Online, to this tech company will tell a compelling story. Or as my strategery professor would say, the combination will create synergy.


So in a way I am actually glad the company in Orlando has yet to make its decision because if the human resource manager had made good on his promise to communicate a decision to me by the Wednesday following the interview, and I had received an offer, I would have had until today to either accept or decline. And accepting the offer would have negated the possibility of interviewing with this other company


And in case any of you are wondering, as of this past weekend, 111 out of the 270 members of the Class of 2007 have accepted internship offers.

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