Monday, March 13, 2006

“I woke up this morning … brought myself a …”

Mod IV begins in a couple of hours when I go to my cost accounting class. This class is a custom core in the MBA program and is one of the more infamous classes at Kenan-Flagler. The professor has a reputation for his aggressive cold calling and saying things to students that border on being inappropriate. He makes students sit with their study groups and if a student is unprepared, he will question other students in his study group until either he receives a satisfactory answer or has exhausted and humiliated the entire group. Surprisingly the professor and his class are actually pretty popular among students. When I was in Charlotte in October for the investment banking trek, one alum said that the class is the closest we will get in school to what happens in an actual office setting.


I still need to finalize on what classes I am taking. I will write more on this later. The weather is suppose to be amazing today, we may even break the record high of 88 degrees. Needless to say, I will be going to class in shorts and flip flops. Also, I went ahead on Friday and got my classmates a little surprise for today. It will be interesting to see how they react to it.

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