Thursday, March 23, 2006

Getting into the swing of things

We are one and a half weeks into Mod IV. I ended up dropping that taxes and finance class so I now have Tuesdays and Thursdays free, not counting the doing business in India class that meets every other Thursday night. Theoretically for every minute I save by dropping that class, I should be able to allocate one more minute into my job search. Yet that’s not been happening. I feel as though I am not as mentally focused on sending out my resumes and drafting cover letters as I should be.


I am beginning to wonder if it may be time for me to hit the “panic” button regarding my internship search. When we were at this time during Mod III, I was concerned about the internship search and not having gotten as many on-campus interviews as I had wanted. In the time since, I have gotten much better at interviewing, researching companies, asking questions, and picking companies that I am a good fit for. Yet I am more concerned than ever that this internship search may not have a happy ending. Next week I have two out of town first round interviews; one is with a cable television network and another is with a well known financial services firm. Both are terrific brand names to have on a resume but both are for non-finance (or, more accurately, not as finance-focused) positions. I worry that such an internship may actually work against me next year if I look for a full time position industry finance.

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