Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Biting off more than I can chew

Throughout last week I worked to cut back the number of classes I had signed up for from eight down to four or five. But an unexpected thing happened as the week progressed toward the drop deadline on Friday, I ended up liking the six remaining classes that I decided to take all six of them.


By Friday morning, I pretty much knew that I was going to keep five of my six classes. The one that I was considering dropping was strategic innovation. It deals with changes in different industries and how companies respond to them. As much as I didn’t want to take six classes (the average among seconds years for this Mod is around four), I could not get myself to drop it. I then wrote down on a Word document all the six classes that I had signed up for and all the assignments and deliverables for them and realized that the amount of work the other five classes required was not so much that it would preclude me from taking a sixth.


This reminds me of Mod IV of my first year when I dropped taxes in finance. At that time, I felt it was better to drop it and take it during my second year (I am signed up to take that next Mod) so I could spend more time on job my internship search. I also rationalized that the remaining three classes and their 7.5 credits would give me more than enough work to keep me busy. What ended up transpiring was an extremely unproductive semester. I had no classes on Tuesdays and most Thursdays (very much like last Mod) and every day felt like a Friday.

So for the next six weeks I am going to juggle my six classes (9.5 credits), not miss an episode of my favorite TV show, update this blog frequently, continue the full time job search on the side, and hopefully come up with ways to improve my time management skills. There is a saying that if you want something done quickly, find the busiest person in the room. Together, we are going to attempt to prove the veracity of that statement.

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