Thursday, December 8, 2005

In search of summer internship

One of the things I find overwhelming about business school is walking around with the knowledge that the decisions that I make over the next 17 months will affect a good portion of the next ten years of my life. I was feeling that anxiety last night as I looked at the Office of Career Services’ listing of companies that will be interviewing on campus starting in January. I have between now and next week to map out which companies I want to intern with and submit my resume and an individually tailored cover letter. The companies will then receive all the resumes and cover letters from Kenan-Flagler, make a decision as to which students they wish to grant an interview to, place those names onto their “closed lists,” and resubmit the information back to OCS. Students on the “closed list” then sign up for a time slot and any time slot that has not been spoken for by the pre-announced deadline are allocated to other students via a bidding system.


The last time I looked for a job was more than four years ago. I am once again feeling the type of anxiety and inadequacy that (I hope) is normal for all job applicants. You know you are about to enter a situation where you will be judged and you will find out just how strong your cover letter, resume, previous work experience, understanding of business concepts, and salesmanship skills are.

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