Monday, December 19, 2005

Time-Out after strategery

The strategery final this morning was pretty much what I had expected. We had to apply the frameworks from the class on scenarios involving joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, and entering and exiting an industry. The exam was closed book but we were allowed to bring in a “cheat sheet” with our notes from the class. Many students brought the same “cheat sheet” into the exam, the same one that was passed to us from the second years, the same one that no doubt we will pass onto next year’s students. There was one question that threw people off. It had to do with firm competitive advantage. He used a term that was covered in class but not mentioned on the “cheat sheet” and a lot of students had trouble answering it. I would not be surprised if I get a 0 out of the 15 points allocated for that problem.

After the exam, I had lunch with some classmates at a place on West Franklin Street called Time-Out. It came highly recommended from another classmate who attended UNC undergrad, one whom I suspect reads this blog. The cashier was a jovial fellow who kidded around with customers waiting in line. When he rang up my order of broiled chicken, French fries, and potato salad and I gave him exact change, he said “you’re a gentleman and a scholar.” My response was “not after today’s exam I am not.”

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