Friday, December 2, 2005

"Yours is a very bad hotel"

I had my first all nigher last night, stayed up most of the night working on the case competition, I slept for about two hours. Surprsingly, after my group's presentation this morning, instead of going home to sleep like I had planned, I ended up staying at McColl and going to class.

My marketing professor showed us a PowerPoint presentation that's been floating around the Internets titled "Yours is a very bad hotel."  It was an attempt by an irate customer to illustrate her frustration with the poor services she received at the DoubleTree Club Hotel in Houston, TX. It goes to illustrate something I thought about earlier today after my group had presented. I went onto the school's shared drives and looked at the PowerPoint presentations from last year's case competition participants. I was really impressed with their ability to make their point across using PowerPoint. I think PowerPoint is an incredibly important skill that I need to master in the upcoming seventeen months.

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