Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Last summer ever

I have not been doing much of anything since I got back last week. I have been spending an average weekday doing job search related stuff in the morning, hanging out at the pool in the afternoon and watching TV or hanging out at places at night.


Last night I went to He’s Not Here for the weekly “blue cup” night on Tuesday. I didn’t know if anyone I know was going to be there but was fortunately enough to run into four of my classmates there. Two of these four are also in the process of job searching. After an hour and a half of drinking and talking among mostly other college/grad students/recent alums, three of us left so they could be well rested for their tee time this morning. I was talking to the last one right before I left and I mentioned my philosophy of the job search – that ten years from now none of us would look back wishing we had started working six or seven weeks earlier, but we may very well look back wishing we had spent more time enjoying our last summer ever.

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