Monday, June 18, 2007

Learning new things

Spent last night with the guys from my Bible study watching the college world series baseball game between UNC and Rice University. It’s funny how I think of baseball as a game I understand completely and everytime I watch it with other people, I find out just how little I know about it. Last night’s key takeaway point was something called a “balk” that …. well let’s just say that I don’t completely understand it yet but I know it is a penalty against the pitcher that results in every runner from the opposite team advance one base.


The previous Sunday night I went with Larry to see the movie Knocked Up. I have mentioned Larry before on a previous post. He is a retired college professor who used to live downstairs from me. The movie was pretty funny but the funniest (and most memorable) line did not come from the screen. During the scene when Alison told Ben that she was pregnant, Ben said (paraphrasing) “I thought you asked me out to dinner because you wanted to hook up with me. I told my buddies I was expecting at least a B.J.” After the laugher in the audience died down, Larry elbowed me and asked “what’s a B.J.?”  


It goes to show that regardless of age or level of education, there are always opportunities to learn new things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...