Friday, June 8, 2007

Most expensive piece of mail ever

I opened my mailbox today and was surprised to see the blue slip informing me that there was a package waiting for me at the rental office. I went into the office not knowing what it was since I hadn’t been expecting to receive anything in the mail. The receptionist went into the closet and didn’t find anything under my last name and was about to ask me to come back tomorrow when she asked “could it be diploma?” I responded “yes” and she picked up a stack of huge thick cardboard envelopes before fishing out the one with my name on it.

The diploma is currently sitting on my coffee table unopened. I will probably frame it sometime this summer. The $155 that the UNC Student Stores is charging for a frame is a bit expensive. But it’s really not considering that it comes with the official UNC gold crest on top and $155 is a drop in the bucket considering the amount of money I have spent on earning this degree.

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