Thursday, September 14, 2006

Another week into the history books

It’s hard to believe that my second year began a month ago today. So far, this has been the quickest mod yet. Almost every Tuesday I remind myself that I am halfway through the week (I have no Friday classes so my week ends on Thursday) and I can very easily visualize the Wednesday and Thursday flying by.


We had an interesting discussion in consumer relations management class today. It was about how to predict a customer’s likelihood to make a purchase. The reading assignment we used was a paper our professor wrote in 2003 comparing how a United States Senator’s level of political conservatism (as registered by the American Conservative Union) served as a predictor on how he would have voted on the President’s impeachment in 1998. It’s just too bad I fell asleep after watching Dateline last night and didn’t do the reading because if I had I would have gotten much more out of the discussion. But it’s been a while since I have had ten hours of sleep and I miss being able to sit through an entire day of classes without drooping off.

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