Friday, September 8, 2006

Déjà vu during complex deal

I have often noticed that in the MBA program very often I will encounter a topic in a conversation with someone or in a meeting and then a couple of days later, when I least expect it, that same topic surfaces again.


On Wednesday I attended a breakfast and a lunch panel sponsored by a telephone company that is hiring students for its management rotation program. The four Kenan-Flagler alums who flew up from Atlanta spent a good deal of time talking about the company’s pending merger with another telephone company. Then yesterday during my complex deal exam, the entire case on which the questions were based on was the acquisition of that company by the other company.


One thing I am really glad about the complex deal exam was that I did not spend too much time on the material. The class is pretty hard and I heard many of my classmates complaining this past week about how lost (in a secular sense) they were. Since the exam was open notes, all I did was make sure I knew the notes well enough to know which sections to turn to for certain topics. The first third of the exam was pretty easy. The middle third was challenging but do-able. The last third was pretty hard and most of my answers were blind guesses. I doubt I could have done better on the exam if I had spent three more hours studying for it.


I will find out the results of the exam next week. Also next week, the other telephone company that is acquiring the company that was here will be visiting Kenan-Flagler for its management rotation program.

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