Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hmmm hmmm good

At the job fair yesterday at the Carolina Club, I spoke to recruiters from seven out of the fifty-one companies that were represented (20% more companies came to the fair compared to last year). Out of those seven, I got a warm lead from about four of them.


One of the things that I have noticed about this year’s job search is that, compared to last year’s, I have gotten a lot better at identifying which companies and positions I have a realistic chance at getting an interview at. And this has saved me a lot of time and legwork in the process. The companies that I approached yesterday were mostly technology or technology-related companies. One company that I spoke to however was not technology related at all. I approached the table because I saw that the recruiter was giving away chocolate candy bars (almost every table was giving away either company branded stationery or products made by the company) and I wanted to shoot the breeze with him a bit before helping myself to some confection. The conversation turned to my work experience and after having seen my resume, he asked me some questions about what I did during the summer. He then said he was going to pass my resume along to the marketing department and I might be invited to visit the company for an interview. After shaking hands with him, I walked away with chocolate and a can of soup.


You can say I got much more out of that conversation than I had expected.

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