Thursday, September 21, 2006

Most important assignment yet

So here I am still at the House Undergraduate Library. Two minutes ago the very nice lady came by to throw out the trash and when she saw me standing, asked if I was stretching my legs. I then explained to her that I am not here because I have a homework assignment but because I have a cover letter due later today that I am writing.


In some ways, this cover letter is the most important deliverable I will hand in this Mod. It will determine whether I will receive one of five closed spots on the interview schedule of company I most want to work for. A closed spot is a time slot reserved for an applicant deemed worthy by the company’s recruiters. Anyone who is unable to secure a closed spot may still interview with the company by bidding his bid points (I believe everyone gets 750 bid points per school year) for one of the four other spots, called open spots. And judging from the number of people who showed up last Wednesday when the world's largest software company came to campus for a presentation and a reception, these folks will have to allocate a lot of points (maybe even all of it) to get these open spots.

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