Friday, September 15, 2006

Buy Warren Buffett’s car

Looks like the Sage of Omaha is auctioning off his car for charity. When I was in Omaha in November with the MBA Finance Club to meet Warren Buffett, right after the talk in his office, we drove over to his favorite steakhouse. While boarding the bus, he pulled his 2001 Signature Series Lincoln Town Car behind the two buses (ours and the one belong to the students from the University of Texas at Austin McCombs MBA program) and asked two students from each school (he was specific in asking for one man and one woman) to ride over with him.

I am surprised the five year old car has only 14,000 miles on it. I am guessing old Warren doesn’t have much use for his car other than driving between his home, office, and the airport where he parks his private jet, and chauffeuring a couple of MBA students once in a while.

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