Monday, September 11, 2006

Reliving our darkest hour (Part 1)

I remember it like it was yesterday. It began normally like any other morning and yet it was different than any other since. I was getting ready to go work and had walked out of the bathroom when Diane Sawyer returned from a commercial break by telling her audience “we want to keep you up to date on the latest information” and showed a live picture of the World Trade Center with thick smoke shooting out of one side.


Not know the full extend of what was about to unfold, I left my apartment and headed for work. But before I left, I called my father and asked him to turn on the news. Once in the car I turned on the radio and I remember thinking that the coverage on the radio was much more melodramatic than what I had seen on the television earlier. It wasn’t until minutes later that I realized that in the time it took to get to my car, a second plane had hit the South Tower.


I called up a couple of friends to tell them what had happened. Some were already in the office but had yet to hear the news while others were still asleep and had their phones turned off. BuckySis was on her way to work and had just gotten off of a ferry boat where she witnessed the explosion from the second airplane while crossing the Hudson River. I spent the remainder of my commute grasping the enormity of what had happened and began to consider turning around and heading back home when Jim Miklashevski reported from the Pentagon that something had happened at the Department of Defense headquarters. The Pentagon was located less than two miles from my apartment and for the first but definitely not the last time that morning, I began to worry about my own safety.


I am going to come back later today and finish my thoughts on this important topic that I have been meaning to write about for some time.

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