Tuesday, September 5, 2006

In search of new opportunities

We are four weeks into my second year and so far the year has been coming along pretty well. There is just as much work as last Mod, the difference being that there is not as much pressure to get them done. My complex deal professor joked around in class saying the deals that will be presented on the assignments and on the exams will be complex because “the name of the class is not simple deals.” But he also emphasized that he would not assign a grade lower than a P (pass) as long as he is able to recognize the student’s name and face from having shown up in class.


During the last Mod of my first year, I was under the gun from having to worry about finding a summer internship. This year, I am under similar pressure from having to find a full time job but the pressures are different. The pressure stems not so much from having to find a position within a certain time frame but more from knowing that whatever offer I accept will not be limited to the summer but will be a full time job that I will be working for at least a year. Two weekends ago a friend of mine from UVA was in town and he spent two hours looking over my resume. He asked me detailed questions about what exactly I did during my internship and during my past professional experiences. I couldn’t believe how much better my resume looked after he rewrote a couple of my bullet points. The second year job search will officially kick off tomorrow when I attend a breakfast reception and a lunch panel sponsored by a telecom company that is hiring for its general management rotational program.


I have also become keenly aware that this will very likely be my last year as a student on a college campus. This has led me to become more diligent in allocating my time and maximizing my experiences at UNC. Earlier tonight I attended an open house for a campus organization that I wish to do some business development work for. I am not going to reveal what organization it is but let’s just say I have always had an interest in the media and I think this is a good way for me to get some exposure to it in case I one day get to fulfill my dream of owning or managing a broadcastmedia outlet.

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