Friday, September 15, 2006

The truth is stranger than fiction

I remember about four or five years ago we had a seminar during lunch at AOL on purchasing a home. There was an attorney present who talked about the importance of purchasing title insurance because she said the one thing she learned from law school and from her law practice is that the truth is stranger than fiction. I have just found an excellent example.


This has got to be either the most unusual request ever made to a clerk at a convenience store or the most creative way to pass a urine test. I will spare you the trouble of reading this article by summarizing the case (in business school everything is called a case) for you here:


  1. A man and woman (not sure if they are married or not) cooked up (no pun intended) a plan to help the man pass a drug test. Plan involved filling urine (I assume from the woman) into a fake penis.
  2. Man and woman wrap the urine filled fake penis in napkin, walk into convenience store and ask the clerk to heat it up in the microwave (presumably to warm up the urine prior to delivery).
  3. Clerk puts urine filled fake penis and calls police (not sure of the exact chronology but since the microwave has to be replaced I assume the urine filled fake penis was placed into the microwave).
  4. Woman pleads guilty to disorderly conduct (not sure if I agree that this is the correct legal penalty) and man agrees to replace microwave in return for charges being dropped.

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