Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Attention all Kenan-Flagler applicants

January is a busy time for the folks involved with our admissions process. The application process is in full swing and tons of applicants visit everyday. It was this week last January that I came to Chapel Hill for the first time, sat in on a class, had lunch with students, went on a tour, and had my interview.


When there are applicants are sitting in on a class, the custom is for the professor to begin class by asking them introduce themselves. If you are an applicant to Kenan-Flagler and plan on sitting in on a class in the near future, please do not do something that I have noticed some applicants would periodically do. Please do not end your introduction by saying “I am here to apply for the MBA program.”


Kenan-Flagler students are quite smart. If we see you sitting in a classroom wearing a suit and we do not recognize you, we know you are an applicant. There is no need to repeat the obvious for there is no risk of us mistaking you for the guy/gal interviewing to become the next football coach at UVA.


Best of luck with your applications and I hope to meet you April 7 – 9 during the MBA Experience Weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How's the search for your summer internship?