Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Heartbreak in West Virginia

I was watching MSNBC this morning and saw a woman identified as Anna Kasto, a relative of a dead miner in West Virginia. She said something that broke my heart.


“We are Christian people. Some of us don’t even know if there is a Lord anymore. He has taken this miracle from us.” 


Yesterday as I was driving back to Chapel Hill, I thought about something a pastor said about five years ago. I am not sure why I thought about it, maybe it was because I had the radio on and was listening to the news concerning the miners. The pastor said instead of filtering God through the perspective of life (such as asking yourself “why would God allow (fill in the blank) to happen?”), we should filter life through the perspective of God.


It is so important for folks to get this right because life is never guaranteed to unfold the way we want to. You will sometimes be pleasantly surprised by the unexpected good things that happen but oftentimes you will be disappointed when they don’t go our way. I am going to pray that these people continue to place their trust in the Lord and that we are able to continue to place our trust in the Lord regardless of how our lives unfold before us.

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