Thursday, January 12, 2006

So far, so good

First week of classes has ended and we’re off to a pretty happening start. This is the first Mod where I can say that all my professors are good instructors. There is also quite a diversity in the instructors as well, one has a German accent while another has a British accent. Two of my professors I already know from outside the business school, one I met in church and another I met in October when Ken Elzinga spoke at Intervarsity.


I am excited that my ethics class ends in mid-February, meaning my Mondays and Wednesdays will begin much later on those days. The grading for ethics is extremely lenient. The professor said he’s only qualified to judge whether we’ve done the work or not, not on our ethnics, and therefore everyone gets either a pass or a fail. We have to do two case write ups out of the six we will discuss in class. I am going to do them as early I can in the Mod. To be completely frank, I am tempted to stop going to class altogether after I have handed in my assignments.  I figured since there aren’t enough seats in the classroom, the ethical thing to do would be to skip class and give the seats to the classmates that have yet to hand in their assignments. I would sure my professor would agree. ;)


The most interesting class this Mod is probably accounting. This was the class that I sat in on last year when I was here for my school visit. On that day we discussed the accounting methods of Global Crossing and AOL Time Warner. Speaking of AOL, I am amazed at how many times the AOL/Time Warner merger gets mentioned in class. My finance professor mentioned it yesterday and we will be discussing in corporate strategy later this Mod the Harvard Business School case (9-702-421) on the “merger of the century.” 


It’s 66 degrees right nowinChapel Hill. I am going to go out for a jog.

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