Monday, January 9, 2006

Here we go again!

Mod III officially kicks off today. Starting this Mod, first years are no longer required to take all our classes together and we have more choice course selection and our schedule. My five classes this Mod are financial statement analysis (which I will henceforth refer to as accounting), fundamentals of corporate finance (finance), corporate strategy, management communications, and ethics. One good thing about my schedule is that everyday begins at 11 and I have no classes on Fridays. The bad thing about the schedule is that my Mondays and Wednesdays don’t end until 5pm which is a hassle since two other students from my carpool have 8am until 12:20 classes and I am going to need to find myself another carpool to go to school with and possibly take the bus home on those days.


“What’s this about a carpool?” you ask. I have never mentioned this on the blog and this is something Kenan-Flagler doesn’t go out of its way to advertise. The Kenan-Flagler parking garage is only big enough to hold cars for less than half the students. The school therefore forces students to form carpools (groups of four first years or groups of two second years) and issues parking permits to carpools rather than to individual students. This worked well in the last two Mods because carpools are formed with students from your section and most students from the same sections would have the same classes but there were days when I had to take the bus home because I had to stay late after class and was unable to find a ride with someone else. This is the one thing I like the least about the school and I have a feeling I am going to like it even less in the weeks to come.

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