Monday, January 30, 2006

Faith versus fear

A friend of mine recalls the internship search as one of the less pleasant experiences of his MBA program. I personally find the search process to be quite stressful. When there is nothing on my mind, it automatically drifts to entertaining the worst case scenarios of the fates that befall MBA students who are unable to find that all-important summer internship.


The main cause of this stress is the simple fact that my cover letters and resumes have not resulted in the number of interviews I was hoping for. The only nice surprise so far has been that I got an interview for one of the best finance (non investment banking) internship in a top firm with an extremely recognizable brand name. Looking at the names of the other classmates that were also offered an interview, I was flattered that the firm considers me to be in the same “league” as these folks. But at the same time, I am perplexed as to how I managed to get selected for this interview but yet not get some of the less competitive ones.


I have blogged about the importance of trusting God with the various circumstances in my life. Learning to trust God and to have faith in His plans has been the most important thing I have learned so far at Kenan-Flagler outside of the classroom. I pray fervently for God’s will to prevail over matters such as my time at Kenan-Flagler, my life post-MBA, and my relationships with various people. When I think about God’s plans for my future and the enormous resources that are available for Him to put them into fruition, I tremble at how blessed I am and feel an incredible sense of peace. Yet when I look at the reality of what I see around me (such as the reality that I have not gotten too many interviews), I cannot help but worry.

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