Monday, January 9, 2006

I resolve …..

A couple of folks have asked about my new year’s resolutions. Here they are, again in no particular order of importance:


    1. Eat less junk food. This means choosing the apple instead of potato chips at Panera and laying off the fried food at Café McColl. The latter should not be a problem since Café McColl just started serving burritos from Cosmic Cantina.
    2. Drink less soda. Even though I own shares of Cola-Cola in my Roth IRA account, I need to start investing in my health.
    3. Do a better job at managing and focusing my time. I really need to better allocate my time so that the time I spend doing work is spent actually doing work instead of staring into blank space, reading other people’s blogs, or reading the New York Times. In addition, I am going to think about how I can save time doing errands by combining my trips.
    4. Start exercising. Went to the Student Recreation Center several times last week and did some jogging today and yesterday in the warm weather. I hope I can keep this up.
    5. Watch how I spend my money. My father and my uncle were talking at a recent family event. My uncle talked about someone he knows at the Johnson School (Cornell) and how he’s spending a huge sum of money on career treks, trips home, and trips to international destinations. My dad said he’s amazed how much MBA students have to spend inaddition to our tuition. A good example is the course packs we have to buy for our classes. This Mod I had to buy two course packs for finance and accounting classes. They contain the course material packaged in a two one-inch binders that cost $130 altogether.
    6. Trust God with everything that happens in my life. If you (and I certainly belong to this category) react to good things in your life with “Praise the Lord,” you have to be equally faithful when things don’t go your way.
    7. Pray that I'd be able to trust God. Trusting God is something that’s always easier said than done.

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