Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"No more teachers, no more books …

no more classrooms only funny looks!”


This is a line I remember from growing up and it seems appropriate on a day like today. The last day of classes is Friday and since I have no classes tomorrow and on Friday, the last class of my MBA career took place earlier this afternoon.


This morning in acquiring proprietary technology, the professor ended class by giving every student a copy of his business card. Glued to the back of each was a five leaf clover, a topic which is a personal hobby of his and which he has spent some time discussing in class. Later in the afternoon we had a guest speaker in managing in the high tech sector. In the beginning of class, I was getting a bit nostalgic about the class being the last class I am probably ever going to have in my full time academic career. As the class went by I found the speaker’s topic to be so boring that could not wait for it to end.


There is one writing assignment for me to hand in between now and the completion of my MBA studies. It’s amazing how quickly the time went. Yesterday afternoon I went over to the George Watts Hill Alumni Center to see a friend of mine. I knew thisguy at UVA and when I saw him at our class reunion I asked him what he was doing and he said he had just accepted a job working in alumni relations at the UNC. When I was here during ASW (that’s the pre-MBA summer session) I went over to his office one afternoon to surprise him. I decided I was going to surprise him a second (and for one last) time. I walked into the lobby and it was almost an exact repeat of what happened during ASW when I asked to see him, the secretary said he was out at meeting, and I waited for him outside sitting on a bench. The only difference was back then I passed the time by reading the corporate finance textbook and this time I entertained myself with some extracurricular reading.


When I finally got to talk to him in his office I gave him my membership application for the UNC General Alumni Association, something which he oversees. I updated him on what’s happening in my life and when it was his turn he mentioned that he will be leaving his job this summer. It was nice to see him one last time and hearing him tell me he was leaving was a good reminder that all good things must come to an end.

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