Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nothing can be finer than to be in Carolina (with VIDEO update)

Around this time yesterday I came to main campus (I had to wait until 5 o’clock to be able to find a place to legally park), sat on the main quad (also known as Polk Place) under a tree and spent an hour on an extracurricular reading assignment I have been working on. I returned here at the same time today to get my thoughts together to write a blog posting about my last day of classes.


On the way here I was thinking that I wish there is a way I can describe what an awesome place the main campus is and why I come here as much as I can. Then it dawned on me that there is a way for me to do that.


Right now I am sitting on the steps of the Wilson Library in front of Polk Place.  I am going to put my Cannon PowerShot SD 400 down on the steps next to me and set it to record. It will record the scene going by until its SD card runs out. Then I am going to transfer the file to my laptop and hopefully I will be able to move the file onto the blog.


Please check back here later tonight and we will see if it works.


Update 6:35pm: OK the bad news is the camera did not capture as much video footage as I had hoped but I was able to successfully upload it. Here is the video. If you listen carefully, you will hear the bell from the Bell Tower chirp at exactly 5 o'clock.


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