Friday, April 27, 2007

Storm front approaching

Today is the last day of classes at UNC.  I am spending the day on the main campus working to catch up on my blog, start writing my paper for acquiring proprietary technology, and do other job search related stuff. If I get the chance, I may return to the steps of the Wilson Library later today and turn on the camera one last time like I did on Wednesday.


It’s been a while since I have given you a job search update. For the past three weeks, the professor in managing in the high tech sector class has been bringing in guest speakers from different technology companies in the area. This has served as a great networking opportunity for me in terms of meeting people who work for local companies that I may want to work for. Last week I met the CEO of a small local start up firm and while the name of his company is little known, the type of work it does is fascinating. I mentioned that I am jobs searching and he asked me to email him. I emailed him the following weekend and he wrote back saying “let’s touch base.” I am going to hold off  “touching base” with him as long as I can because it can easily lead to a job offer and a job offer from his company at this time would be problematic. It’s problematic because while I am interested in working for his company there are probably a few other companies out there I would much rather work for and I would not consider working for his company until I have exhausted these other options. This is typical of the dilemma faced by contestants in the television game show Deal or No Deal where they have to choose between locking in on what they have now and holding out for something better.


There has been another development on the job front that appeared on my radar within the past three days. During my first year, I interviewed for an internship at the internet division of a cable television network based in Atlanta. The interview went really well, I certainly felt that the interviewer was impressed with me and he even hinted toward the end of the interview that I got it. Needless to say, I was crushed when I learned that I was not chosen. This was the one internship that I interviewed for that I really wish I had gotten. On Tuesday I saw on that company’s web page a position that is almost ideal with what I am looking for. I quickly applied over the web. I then spent the next 36 hours deliberating over whether I should contact my interviewer fromlast year and tell him that I am still interested. I was embarrassed about it because I failed to keep in touch with him afterwards and don’t want him to think that I was contacting him only when I wanted something. I sent him an email yesterday afternoon but thought long and hard about its wording. I changed “I interviewed with you last year for the summer internship” to “we talked last year about the summer internship” and replaced “although I was disappointed that I didn’t get it, I am still very interested in your company" to “although I didn’t end up interning at your company, I am still interested.”

My phone interview is next week.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your patronage. Are you an admitted student for next year?