Saturday, April 28, 2007

Paying anything to roll the dice just one more time

Yesterday was an amazing day. If I could, I would put it in a bottle and save it forever. It was the last day of classes and the type of day that reminds me of just what school could and should be.


At around 5 o’clock, I walked to the Old Well and heard the UNC Clef Hangers perform its annual Old Well Sing. The sunlight bouncing off the South Building onto the a cappella group was at just the right angle and gave a resilient glow the members and everything and everyone around them. When the group performed its last song, I decided to film it because of the song’s significance to the theme of this blog. It was only later that I realized that I have heard this song many times before and yet there was something about the way this group performed it at the Old Well that made it different than every other time I have heard it before.



I left the Well and went to the last FOCUS meeting of the year. On the way there, I stopped by Whole Foods to buy something for the potluck dinner. While waiting on line I recognized a man walking by. It was Larry, a guy who lived downstairs from me last year when he first moved from Chapel Hill. Larry is a senior citizen and needed help with a couple of things and there were a couple of times when I helped him out of a jam. He moved away about a year ago when he bought his own place and we have since lost touch. We caught up on old times, exchanged contact information, and he offered to take me out to dinner to celebrate my graduation.


Unfortunately I had to leave the FOCUS meeting early to go the 2007 Kenan-Flagler Follies but before Idid, I had the chance to partake in the tradition the group has every year for graduating seniors, the group collectively prayed for me. Hearing some of those in the group pray for my job search (I told them about my upcoming interview) and offer praises for some of the traits they see in my character made me realize how fortunate I am to have known this godly group of people.


I arrived at the Follies just in time to see the beginning of my skit shown. I won’t give away the joke but it’s about the Career Management Center coming up with a new process for students to practice for job interviews. I played myself and after receiving some honest feedback on my resume walk, decided to break into a very funny song and dance. My name came up again later in the evening when I was nominated for the “Box of Chocolate Award,” which the presenter explained by saying “because with some students, you never know what you are going to get.” For once in my life, I was relived when I was not chosen.


After the Follies everyone went out to the Martini Bar where I had a couple of classmates compliment me for my role in the skit. I spotted a cutie wearing a short skirt and a black shirt with the word “POLICE” on the front. I later found out she was actually a police officer and joking asked where she hid her handcuffs (it always seems so funny when I hear that used in the movies). I left with a bunch of people at around 1 and went next door to Hector’s for something to eat. This is thesame location where Off Franklin used to be and where I used to hang out when I was here during ASW (that’s the Kenan-Flagler pre-MBA session). I remember feeling sad when Off Franklin closed down during my first year but last night I realized why. At 1am, Hector’s had much more business than Off Franklin ever did during the time I was going there.

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