Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Leaving it up to God

My interviews this week are finally behind me. I had one yesterday with a diversified industrial manufacturer that went well. But the one today, I think I knocked it out of the ballpark. This was the company I blogged about earlier, the one where I was surprised I made the closed list considering how competitive it is. I interviewed with two people, half an hour each.


Many of the questions were structured on how much I know about the company and its competitive advantages. One question was “what do you believe are the biggest challenges facing our company.” It gave me a chance to talk about the deals it recently signed with two major banks and the need to work with them to make sure the customers they sign up are of the same premium caliber as the customers that the company is known to traditional attract. Another question was about how I would convince a merchant to carry the company’s product. They asked me very few questions about what I have done in the past. One interviewer asked me for my thoughts on AOL’s strategy in the past year and what I believe will happen to the online unit down the road.


I am really excited about this company. I have been a customer (like AOL, this company refers to its customers as members) for ten years and am a shareholder. This is a company I have followed in the past and am familiar with the business model. While I have every reason to be optimistic, I am reminded that the company interviewed thirteen other students, many of whom are also quite impressive in their own rights.


Right before I headed into the interview suites, I prayed for God’s will to prevail in today’s interview process and that the internship will go to whoever He wants from Kenan-Flagler to get it. Now that I have done my part, I am going to pray for peace for the remainder of the internship search process, even if it means having to keep interviewing at other companies.

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