Monday, February 6, 2006

Manic Monday

I got a good deal on airfare this past weekend and flew out on Saturday to spend the weekend with my parents. While waiting at the airport this morning, in between announcements for a high school performance in the main promenade for Black History Month, I heard the following over the public address system:


Karen Hughes, please dial extension 11690 …. Karen Hughes, extension 11690” 


I walked to the nearest telephone, dialed the extension, and identified myself someone bearing the same name as the former press secretary for President Bush. The operator connected me to a woman on the other end asking “this is Karen …hello? Hello?”  Realizing that the woman on the other end was not the Karen Hughes and I was not going to be patched through to the President of the United States, I quickly hung up.


One of the three professors that I have on Mondays sent out an email telling us class was canceled because of an emergency root canal surgery. The email that I received from another one of my Monday professors was not nearly as pleasant. I had emailed this professor last night informing him of my weekend getaway and of my inability to attend his class this morning. He wrote a one sentence reply informing me that I have missed three classes in a row. While I have missed three classes, they were not in a row. And I had told him ahead of time last week that I had to miss one of his classes because of an interview.


Too bad he wasn’t the one who had the emergency root canal.


Anonymous said...

MD beat rival UVA and Duke beat up on UNC. Bad day for your teams.

Anonymous said...

Yea it must have been similar to how you felt last Thursday when the Tar Heels won 77-62 over Maryland AT Maryland. ;)