Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Where did all this time go?

Today is the last day of Mod III. During our last management communications class yesterday, my professor was commenting on how quickly Mod III flew by. It made me realize that even though all the Mods are of equal length, seven weeks plus two days, Mod III went by much, much quicker than either Mods I or II. I was talking to a classmate later who suggested that it may be because we are all so caught up in the internship search with preparing for first round interviews, company visits, and such.


While we are on the subject of time, since my morning class is not meeting today, my first class is not until 2pm. Why is the class not meeting you ask? I am going to let you in on a little secret. Kenan-Flagler has contracts with several companies which send their executives to the Rizzo Center several times a year for executive education. The professor who teaches the morning class is involved with teaching the executive education program and was asked to participate today. Because of the amount of money our school makes from this company, my professor had no choice but to cancel the last class and to hold the review session at a different time. This is a powerful reminder of the first rule of business, money talks.


Instead of going to the 2pm accounting class today, I think I am going to attend the 3:30 section. This way I can hit the gym afterwards and parking will be free then since it’ll be 5pm.

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