Friday, February 3, 2006

The search continues

One of my interviewers from Wednesday called a few minutes ago. He told me I was not going to be receiving an offer. He was impressed with my knowledge of the company but wanted someone with a more relevant background.


I can't say I am surprised. I thought the interview went very well but felt my lack of work experience in finance and the fact that they interviewed 13 other students were going to work against me. When he called, it took a few second to sink in that my interviewer was calling. But at no point during the call did I jump to conclusion and assumed that I was going to be receiving an offer. I only assumed that he wanted to ask me a few questions. The most painful part was the first 15 seconds of obligatory small talk when he asked me how I was, I talked about the beautiful weather, he said the weather in New York was aweful, I said "yes I saw it this morning on the Today Show ... but wait a minute, your business card shows that you work out in Stamford, CT."


He ended the call by telling me I'd do well in my internship search process.

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