Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sticking it to NetFlix

I was working on the NetFlix case write up for my accounting class this past weekend when I came across something interesting on the company’s web site. It looks like there is a settlement in a class action suit and anyone who was a customer before January 2005 is eligible for either a free month or a month of upgraded service.


The technical details of this is quite intricate. All participants in the settlement will be entered into a queue and upon disbursement, will be compensated on the order in which they were entered. In addition, how quickly the participant will receive the compensation depends on how many DVDs he rented during an average month. A computer algorithm will be used to separate participants into several categories. Those that kept their DVDs the longest (and rented less per month) will receive their disbursement immediately. Meanwhile the more active users will be categorized under either "long wait" or "very long wait."


On a more serious note, this blog goes on the road later today when I fly down to to the Sunshine State for a second round interview tomorrow.

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