Monday, February 27, 2006

Mod III coming to a close

Mod III does not officially end until tomorrow when financial statement analysis (which is one of the best electives offered) ends but Mod III is pretty much over. The only things standing between me and spring break are a take home case for finance due a week from today and an in class final for corporate strategy on Friday. Since my ethics class ended two weeks ago, my Mondays don’t begin until 2pm. It was refreshing to not have to set my alarm clock last night and have a three and a half day weekend. I shouldn’t get used to it because next Mod my Mondays and Wednesdays will be packed and I will have a Friday morning class as well.

I currently have no plans for spring break. I am really hoping that I will have a couple of interviews that week. We should know by Wednesday if I will receive an offer from the company in Orlando andthe two companies I interviewed with at the school on Thursday should also get back to me by Wednesday. So by Wednesday I may have an offer or I may be back to square one. I spent a good part of this weekend visiting web sites of different companies I am interested in, many are companies I am familiar with because I have owned stock in them in the past, and submitting my resume. According to Office of Career Services, more than 50% of the first year class still has not accepted an internship offer yet.


One of the things I sometimes try to do at the end of interviews is to try to figure out how I did by trying to a catch vibre from the interviewer. When I interviewed at AOL, toward the end I shook the hand of my interviewer (my future boss) and said “I hope to work with you soon” and I caught a positive vibre coming from him that told me I had the job. This past Thursday at one of my interviews, I did something similar during the final handshake and my interviewer’s response was “good luck.” There was something about the way he said it that conveyed a sense of finality, as though he was wishing me luck in finding an internship anywhere but at his company.

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