Friday, February 24, 2006

The week that was

Today marks the end of one of the most unusual week I have experienced so far in the MBA program. I don’t even know if unusual is the appropriate word. It might be more accurate to say the week was eventful, interesting, or even stressful. It flew by so fast I have trouble believing it’s already Friday.


Monday brought about a resolution to something personal that’s been on my mind for quite a while. While the resolution was disappointing, I have to remain faithful that God knows what’s best for me. It helps to think that I have prayed about this particular situation and that perhaps God is answering my prayers by not giving me what I want. I spent a good part of Tuesday preparing my travel to and interview in Orlando. I didn’t return from Orlando until late Wednesday. The main event yesterday was the two interviews I had in school. And today is the North Carolina MBA Job Fair held at the Hill Alumni Center. Currently the recruiters are on their lunch break and I am catching up on food and email at the Carolina Club. Later today I have to return to McColl to speak to a professor about a class that I missed.


Between Orlando, the two interviews yesterday, and the job fair today, I have spent the past three days wearing a suit. I must have repeated my rehearsed pitch (“I started out in the XYZ industry, transitioned into ABC industry, and am attending business school because I plan on going into W.”) at least ten times. I am physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. 


Lunch break is almost over. I have to return to the Hill Alumni Center to talk to about ten more companies before going back to McColl to talk to a professor about a class that I missed on Wednesday because I was in Orlando.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just hang in there. I am a 2008 class admit and I have been following your blog for a while. Some of your school routines have given me a good idea of what to expect in B-school. Just hang in there and you'll land that dream job.