Thursday, November 24, 2005

Giving thanks

I complain a lot. That should not be news to any of you that have regularly read this blog. But on this Thanksgiving, I am going to force myself to jot down a couple of things I am grateful for. Please keep in mind that while some of these may be trivial to you, they certain are not to me.


In no particular order, the following is an incomplete list of things that I thank God for on this Thanksgiving 2005:


  1. My study group at Kenan-Flagler. I cannot think of a group of students that are more intelligent, thoughtful, supportive, and considerate than the ones that I have been fortunately enough to have been paired with during these past two quarters.
  2. Christians at Chapel Hill. Between the people I have met in church, the Kenan-Flagler MBA Christian Fellowship group, and one particular professor I met when Ken Elzinga spoke at InterVarsity in October, I feel I have found a supportive group of Christians I can fellowship with.
  3. My downstairs neighbor at Chapel Hill has an unguarded wireless network that I have been using for free since the day I moved in.
  4. I feel God working in my life over the past four months. During fall break in October, I mentioned that I was feeling a sense of peace over my situation at Kenan-Flagler, almost as though God was telling me to continue doing what I normally do and He would take care of the rest. In the time since Mod II has begun, He has continued to make me feel more at ease about other aspects of my life. There are some personal issues that I have struggled with for a long while, for so long I am embarrassed to tell you how long. On two separate occasions this month, I felt bothered by something that reminded me of these issues and each time, I felt God telling me to leave things up to Him.
  5. My mom has started to read the bible.
  6. Even though I am not attending a business school that was my first (or even second) choice, I am certain that attending Kenan-Flagler is a better option for me than spending another year in my previous situation.
  7. The Virginia Advocate is back in business at UVA.
  8. Even with all the scandals about prisoner abuse, unreliable intelligence, our national government has done a reasonably good job in protecting us from a second terrorist attack and in retaliating against the thugs responsible for 9/11.

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