Monday, November 7, 2005

Trading in five lane highways for picket fences

One of the things I realized this past weekend when I was in Arlington, Virginia is just how much I hate city traffic. It’s getting harder and harder to go anywhere in the suburban Washington, DC region on the weekends without having your travel delayed by a traffic jam. After church on Sunday, I went to a local shopping center in Bethesda, MD (across the street from McDonald’s on River Road) and there was so much traffic going into the shopping center that the police had to show up to direct traffic.


I imagine what’s happening in the suburban Washington, DC area is happening in cities all around the country. On the drive back yesterday evening, I kept thinking why more people don’t try moving out of these cities to more livable areas where they can afford the same lifestyle at much cheaper prices.  


Today’s NY Times had an article about exactly this.

"The couple sold a three-bedroom house near Los Angeles for $450,000. They bought a four-bedroom house, with two kitchens and a swimming pool, for $185,000 in Gladstone, Mo., near Kansas City.

With a monthly mortgage payment of only $496, Mr. Osegueda said he hoped he could retire by the time he was 48. In California, he said, "people need to work all their lives to pay off their home.""

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because living outside of a major city sucks. Quality of life is not the same. Gladstone , MO?? yeah, you wont ever catch me living there.