Thursday, November 17, 2005


At the company where I used to work, "OOTO" was short for "out of the office."  Whenever a  co-worker went on vacation, he would send out an email with the subject "OOTO until xxxx" to let others know of his impending absence.


Ever since Monday when I came back from Omaha, I feel as though my mind has been out of the office. I have work to do and I don't particularly care. All I can think about is leaving town next week for Thanksgiving. It's as though my mind has left the building.


This is not a good thing because I still have lots of work to do and lately I have been dropping the ball. I had to hand in a form today to the MBA Office to inform them which section of Management Communications I want for next fall and I almost completely forgot about it. This afternoon, I received an email from the Office of Career Services about a company presentation that took place last night, a presentation that I had signed up for but had decided not to attend because I was working on an assignment due today. The email politely reminded me that I am obligated to attend all the presentations that I have signed up for.


Classes didn't end until 5pm today because of my operations professor had scheduled a guest speaker. This was followed by a mock interview workshop presented by an investment banking firm. I then stopped by the firm's happy hour at the Carolina Brewery and came back to the school for yet another presentation by a big name consulting firm. Now that I am finally done with presentations, I would much rather blog and read the New York Times than to do any work.


Maybe I will finally get around to do that Warren Buffett write-up that I have been promising you guys.

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