Saturday, November 19, 2005

Has anyone seen my wife?

I have had several conversations this past week that gave me the impression that there is someone here that I should be on the lookout for. Let me explain.


Earlier this week I was at an event talking to an alumni. He mentioned that he met his wife during his two years at Kenan-Flagler. He also said that there were eight couples from his class that met in the MBA program and ended up getting married. One of my classmates then turned to me and asked "have you found your wife yet?"  I had no idea why he chose me to pose that question to and simply answered "I have no idea."


This afternoon I was at a tailgate before the Duke game. I was talking to two classmates, both married. One excused himself by saying he had to go talk to his wife. The other then said he had to go find his wife. The first student, who is well aware of my marital status, then asked me if I knew where my wife was.


So if anyone here at Kenan-Flagler sees someone that looks like she could be my wife, please tell her that I am looking for her. Thank you.

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