Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jumping the shark?

We are almost two weeks into Mod IV and so far there is something about this Mod that doesn’t feel quite right. Of the four classes I am taking, taxes in finance is the only one I am completely happy about. Acquiring proprietary technology is taught by a pretty smart guy who has an engineering degree from NC State and an MBA from Darden. Yet he still has not setup a class web page on Blackboard for us and so far we have had to rely on our notes and our memories for what he wants on the assignments we have been working on. Managing in the high tech sector is taught by a pretty popular professor but I don't find that class nearly as interesting as I had expected.


I have gotten into the habit of managing my taxes in finance class by going to the Tuesday session and instead of attending the corresponding Thursday session, I go to the second half of the Wednesday session immediately after managing in the high tech sector. The Wednesday session is twice as long and covers the entire week’s worth of material in one sitting.  This saves me from having to go to class on Thursday when I will get to sleep in as long as I want.


And tomorrow morning sleeping in is what I will be doing.  I feel like my concentration and energy levels are not where they were when we were two weeks into Mod III. Even though I was taking six classes in the previous Mod, I had much more at this point in January. I was also more fired up and motivated. I am not sure why that is. It may be that a lot of the class work, especially in the global supply chain management class, are front loaded. Or maybe I am just tired of school and at thispoint in my life, I am much more interested in jogging, hanging out on main campus, and observing the carnival-like atmosphere that we have at UNC than in spending time in the classroom.


Oh and while we are on the topic of jumping the shark, maybe I will come back tomorrow and tell you what I think the latest plot twists on 24.

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