Monday, March 12, 2007

Starting classes for one last time

Today marks the beginning of Mod IV and the last seven weeks of classes before I graduate, which will take place two months from tomorrow. There are four classes I am interested in. They are acquiring proprietary technology to start your entrepreneurial venture (I will refer to this as “acquiring proprietary technology”), managing in the high tech sector, taxes in finance (this is the class that I sat in on for about a week last year this mod before I dropped it), and global supply chain management.


In addition to the above four, there are a couple of other classes that I signed up for that I am going to drop. I first chose my classes back in December (we bid on classes for Mods III and IV at the same time) and in the time since, I have decided that some of the classes that I did sign up for I really do not want to take. One of them is marketing strategy. When I realized last week that it was being taught by the same professor who taught the pricing class I just took during Mod III, it took me an entire two seconds to decide to drop it. I think the professor does a decent job teaching, he just gives out a bit too much work.


My next class is not until 2pm. I think I am going to go out for a jog.

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