Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Unintentional humor

It’s been a pretty interesting first two days of classes so far. Yesterday, I got to my 2pm class a little bit late. I walked in at around 2:03 and the professor had already begun talking. I discreetly snuck up to the front of the room to grab a syllabus from the box of handouts, picked a seat on the front row, and sat down. About 30 seconds later, it became obvious that something was wrong. I noticed that there was a major error on the syllabus, it was titled managing business turnaround and yet the class was supposed to be managing in the high tech sector. It was then that I realized I must have been in the wrong room and attempted to cut my losses by attempting to make an exit that was as discreet as my entrance a minute earlier. I managed to get within half a step of reaching the door when I looked straight ahead and saw in the door’s glass window a reflection of the professor looking straight at me. I turned around and said, “I am sorry this is the wrong class.” The room erupted into laughter as I walked out of the room with my tail between my legs.


Today was less humiliating. My only class was taxes in finance. Because I sat in on this class for one week last year before deciding to drop it, most of the material from this morning was a repeat for me. To illustrate the importance of having the right vocabulary, the professor told a joke about vacationing in Mexico and trying to bargain with the street vendors and instead of saying “how much,” he said something in Spanish that meant “I want cheese.” The joke was as unfunny today as when it was a year ago. He did say something that was quite hilarious. He was announcing that twice this Mod we will have class at Koury Auditorium (he did not do this last year) and kept referring to the auditorium as “coll-roy.” The more he kept repeating the mispronouncing, the funnier it got. Bythe third time, I had to put my hands in front of my face to conceal the smirk that was getting more obvious by the seconds.


I can’t wait until Thursday when he tells the joke about how he’s been writing to the broadcast networks suggesting that they create a show about federal agents from the U.S. Treasury Department who investigate tax crimes. I believe he said he wants the main character to be either played by him or modeled after him.

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