By “24 returns,” I mean that not just literally but figuratively as well. I was beginning to think that its writers have completely lost their ability to shock us and then saw tonight’s episode. First off, two of my last week’s predictions came true – the missile being a dud and the situation between Mike Doyle and Nardia beginning to heat up. Just when I thought the show was becoming a bit too predictable with Fayed being rescued in an ambush, we find out the ambush was staged and by the end of the hour the nuclear warhead story came to an end.
Like many of you, after Jack and the CTU team recovered theremaining warheads, I was waiting for the “other shoe to drop.” I was expecting either Doyle to shoot Jack or for Nardia to walk into a bathroom stall and start text messaging information to the terrorists. But instead the phone rang and on the other end was Audrey! I guess it makes sense for Kim Raver to return to the show since The Nine on ABC has gone nowhere. And I think it’s about time that Chinese returns as the villains since it’s pretty obvious the Arab terrorist plot has jumped the shark. Did anyone notice that the name of the Arabic military general who was captured for aiding Fayed was Habib? We already had a terrorist name Habib, Habib Marwan during season 5. I am hoping that thistime around the writers will do a better job at keeping the villains interesting.
I still think it sucks. Jack said they had a play when he had Fayed - so you were supposed to know that the rescue of of Fayed was staged. I also think its a poor move to switch to Audrey/The Chinese for 4-5 eps, too short of a time period....24...yawn
Ahh I missed that - the part where Jack said he "had a play." I just remember seeing that van roll down the street and thinking "oh no I hope the writers don't resort to the old ambush trick." I am thinking the Audrey story line will end in a cliffhanger and continue in Season 7.
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