Monday, April 2, 2007

Some observations of 24


Today’s USA Today had an article about just how bad this season’s 24 is.

Here are someobservations I made from tonight’s episode. I think there is a lot of potential for characters hooking up for the remainder of the season. Tonight we saw the Vice President sharing an intimate moment with aide Lisa Miller when she agreed to perjure himself to help his court case. We also saw Mike Doyle going out his way to ingratiate himself to Nardia. Speaking of Nardia, I am not sure if it’s more fair to say that she is looking better and better as the season goes on or maybe I am just so bored out of my mind that every time she appears on the screen, I am appreciative of the distraction.

From looking at the previews for next week, my prediction is that the missile that the President fired at the Arabic country is non-nuclear and is intended to intimidate the terrorists into giving up information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, the nuke is totally a fake