Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Knowing when to fold

The pricing class is turning out to be a real pain in the rear. I have two items due tomorrow, a “short analysis” worth 5% of my grades and a “major individual assignment” worth 15%. Both are pretty challenging but my main problem is I don’t feel the professor has adequately prepared us on how to do this. I think I got at least half of the “major individual assignment” and at most 20% of the ”short analysis” figured out.


If this had been during first year, I’d be spending the next two hours reading the case over and over again. But one of the benefits of being second year is the ability to recognize when you’ve been dealt a bad hand of cards and the best response is to walk away from the table.


In the meantime, I found out that a software company in Durham that I am interested in is having an open house tomorrow.  I first heard about this company last semester when I was at a UVA happy hour. I met someone who works there who also happens to be a Kenan-Flagler MBA alum. He mentioned the name of the company to me and I filed it in the back of my mind as one of the companies I may want to hit up somewhere down the line. Two hours ago, I saw a note from the Career Management Center on the job fair and did some quick research. I had forgotten the guy’s name and went to Hoosonline to try to look it up and was shocked to learn that he is one of the founders.


Goes to show you the importance of networking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have been reading your blog for quite some time now. and i have read all the entries right from the UNC admit blog.

I am an international student and i have got an admit to UNC KFBS for Fall 2007.

I would like to speak to you, offline. Can you share your email id?

My email id is -  deutsche.stahl@gmail.com
