Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Learning to give up

This past Sunday in my church’s young adults Sunday school group, the topic was prayers of relinquishment, how to give up control over certain areas of your life and allow God to insert his sovereignty. It’s a tough topic for many people, especially for me.


I blogged two weeks ago about receiving an email from a particular company asking for a phone interview. Because this is a company I very much want to work for, I spent the next day in delirium over the possibility of me actually getting an interview with this company. But the week following has been pure torture with me waiting by the computer and constantly checking my Microsoft Office Outlook client waiting for an email from the recruiter confirming the actual time of this interview. I gave the recruiter a list of times for the following Tuesday only to see those time slots arrive and depart without receiving any email or phone calls. Then at 5pm an email from a second recruiter announcing that she was going to be my new point of contact and once again asking me for a list of times. I gave her a list of times for the following Thursday and Friday only to see those days come and go without receiving a reply.


By Sunday morning I was beginning to think that maybe I wasn’t going to be getting an interview. I thought maybe the recruiter looked at my undergraduate transcript (yes I was asked for that information) and laughed. So the talk at the Sunday school group was helpful. It reminded me of something I have known all along but I have always managed to forget; that my goal is not necessarily to get the job but to do my best in any situation that God presents to me so that if it is His will for me to become friends with a particular group of people, get into a certain program, or get into a particular job, that I have adequately prepared myself to realistically meet that challenge. It is something that I periodically needto be reminded of and Sunday was a good time for my spiritual reality check.


After church, I got home and received an email from the recruiter with a time and a phone number.

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