Monday, February 26, 2007

Still not back to 100%

Looks like I spoke too soon on Thursday when I said the fever had dissipated. By Friday, I was back to 101 degrees and the fever didn’t completely go way until Sunday morning.


The doctor said I have strep throat and gave me antibiotics to keep me from becoming a walking biohazard to those around me. Needless to say, I didn’t get much done this past weekend, I spent most of it sleeping and eating spaghetti. I spent today attending classes very strategically, did not attend my 8am pricing class, attended the two other classes in the morning and went home to sleep while my 2pm entrepreneurial marketing class met for the last time. Woke up tonight in time to go see economist Walter Williams speak to the UNC College Republicans at the Law School.


If on an ordinary day I am “Jack Bauer,” then today I was more like “Edgar.” Hopefully I will get better before my final exams and final assignments later this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent read!  I hope you feel better.  Actually I have been reading a lot of fellow Carolina blogs.  This is actually one of the more, *ahem*, informational and entertaining.  Good work!